Divorce is mainly an emotional affair. Divorce is mainly a 2-stage process in the case of contested and uncontested divorces in Singapore. The first stage is known as the dissolution of marriage. These are the steps where the court will mainly decide whether the marriage has irreversibly broken down. If this is true, the court will grant an interim Judgment to officially break down the marriage. The next stage of divorce is known as the stage of ancillary matters. This is the stage where the court will decide how the parties’ affairs must be handled. This mainly includes spousal maintenance as well as child custody.
Important grounds for divorce in Singapore
Below are some of the essential grounds for getting a divorce in Singapore:
- In the case of adultery, If one partner has committed adultery, and the other partner finds it intolerable to live with the former, the latter can file for divorce. The main obstacle in proving adultery is mainly collecting the evidence because the person who has mainly committed adultery is not going to admit to the adultery.
- For some of the unreasonable behavior, which includes violence, constant late nights, denial to socialize, drug addiction, deprivation of sex as well as working for long hours for one partner, cannot mainly be expected to live with B.
- Desertion is mainly defined as one partner who has deserted the other partner for at least 2 years immediately before they are mainly filed for divorce. To get a divorce, one partner must show that they have been living separately, and the other partner intends to desert. Usually, this is mainly proved that one partner has no intention of returning.
- For divorce, living separately must be by the parties’ choice. But this is not a necessity.
Some of the ancillary matters mainly include children’s care arrangements, the wife or disabled husband’s maintenance as well as the distribution of assets.
If both parties mainly finalize the divorce and some of the ancillary matters before they mainly file their divorce papers, they can mainly file the divorce application on a simplified process.
If this is not the case, then both parties can go through the normal process of divorce. Do you know the divorce process in Singapore? Check out this article here. This is some important information to know about the divorce process in Singapore.